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What is Wunderkammer?

A wunderkammer, also known as a cabinet of curiosities, actually refers to a room that houses a collection of wonderful and unique objects. These objects are often sourced from all ends of the world, and provide an interesting look at the intersection of science, art, and life. Wunderkammern (the plural form) were a way to ignite curiosity and education by celebrating all manner of exotic and wondrous objects. 

Wunderkammer, to us, is a collection of stories, news, and culture. We love and embrace the multi-faceted nature of our brand. Offline, we host mixers, panels, classes, and charity events to support women in their professional and personal endeavors. Through Wunderkammer, we hope to take this experience digitally for our worldwide KESTAN Community to enjoy.

Here, you'll find pieces on style, career, life, and more. We hope that you'll spark your interest in one way or another with us.
But there's more to the name of Wudnerkammer, and it starts with a conversation between brother and sister co-founders Kevin and Stephanie Lin.
“You can’t be serious.”

Even as a child, Stephanie always trusted her brother enough to happily follow him in adventure with no questions asked. But they weren’t children, and he wasn’t just asking her to ditch last period in favor of hitting up the local diner.

Kevin was asking Stephanie to leave her job at one of Germany’s largest fashion houses to pursue her own label. He, himself, was wrapping up a Master’s degree through M.I.T. in Supply Chain Management, and on the last leg of their sibling vacation - inspiration struck.

Maybe it was the whiskey talking, or maybe it was a brother’s complete support and faith in his sister, but after an entire sibling vacation spent listening to Stephanie gush about her passion for sustainability while bemoaning the difficulties of enacting change within established brands, enough was enough.

Kevin believed in Stephanie’s voice as a designer and supported her passion for ethically made fashion. Soon, the pair were surrounded with dirty bar napkins with hastily scribbled names and designs.

By the end of the night, they were toasting to a new adventure, and a new business - KESTAN.

And all of this happened in a single bar named Wunderkammer.

Learn more about KESTAN here.


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