Personal styling is one of those services that doesn't seem apply to "real life". It can conjure images of celebrities, over-the-top or dressy outfits, and an unimaginable budget. Depending on the service one chooses, personal styling can actually help improve personal style and save time in a way that's not scary at all. We're here to answer some questions and debunk a few personal styling myths.

Think of your personal stylist as a style BFF here to make your life easier and much more stylish. Personal stylists can range from independent stylists who work with clients or in-store stylists found at a range of department stores and brands. We recommend starting with a referral, or stopping by a favorite boutique and inquiring if they offer the service.
1. Time Is Money, and Your Stylist Can Help You Save Tons of It
Even the most stylish of fashionistas can find themselves short on time. Personal stylists help cut through the fluff when shopping and get to what you need, when you need it. Once you communicate your needs, your stylist will help pull together clothing and accessory options and give styling recommendations.
Not only does this cut down on time shopping, but it also saves time in the long run when you're dressing. Don't waste another second wondering whether or not you can pull off periwinkle or if that blouse actually looks good with those trousers. Your stylist is a professional who can answer all of those questions and more.
2. Develop Your Personal Style Without Pressure
No matter your age or position in life, developing a personal style can be uncomfortable and a source of insecurity. Not only can defining personal taste be difficult, it can be even harder to find all of the bits of pieces that create an entire wardrobe.
A personal stylist can help you navigate through different looks, and offer helpful tips and options for achieving your desired look. They're also great at pointing you in a direction you might not have thought of. By including a second voice, you're opening yourself up to more options and styling possibilities. The great thing about most stylists, is that you don't actually pay for the pieces unless you want them. That means you can safely try on exciting trends without the commitment.
3. Answer Style Questions
As dress codes become more relaxed, it can actually be more confusing on what's appropriate. A personal stylist can help answer questions and find suggestions for a multitude of fashion situations. Unsure of what's appropriate for your coworker's "underwater Grecian springtime picnic" themed wedding? Your stylist can help you navigate those tricky waters (by the way, we would totally pay money to see that wedding).
Your stylist can also answer personal questions regarding your style. Not sure what silhouettes are the most flattering on your figure? Maybe you're itching to try that neon magenta trend, but don't know where to start? Your stylist is here to help!

Every personal stylist has their own preferred method of working with clients. At KESTAN, we like to keep our sessions informative, but relaxed. Our designer and co-founder, Stephanie, is passionate about helping women find confidence through self-presentation. She currently personally runs complimentary private sessions. Here's what you can expect from one:
1. Let's Get To Know Each Other
We like to start our sessions with champagne and macaroons. We sit down with our clients and have a relaxed chat regarding your current styling needs, and personal style. We believe in the importance in helping style for "real life". Whether you're gunning for that big interview, have two little ones, spend half of Saturday in bed, or all of the above - we can find something that will tick off all of your lifestyle boxes.
2. Have Your Looks Curated On-Site
We'll immediately pull suggested outfits while you continue to relax with sips and bites. Stephanie chooses pieces and looks based off your initial chat, along with one or two "surprise" options. Afterwards, she'll walk you through her choices and give you personalized insight.
3. Pick What You Love, Leave What You Don't
Once you're done trying your new looks, simply leave behind the pieces you don't want, and take home the ones you do. Stephanie will take a look at the winners, and give you further feedback on how they can be styled with each other, and any pieces you may already in your wardrobe.
4. Stay In Touch
The great thing about working with the same stylist, is that we have an understanding of your personal taste and wardrobe capabilities. By knowing what you like and currently wear, we can add on in subsequent sessions and create a truly streamlined and curated look.

Working with a personal stylist doesn't have to be daunting at all. Here are some of our tips to make the most out of your session.
1. Honesty is the Best Policy
Remember that your stylist is here to help you, and should never impose their own personal taste on you. Upon your first meeting, we recommend being completely honest with your stylist. Transparency will allow them to truly understand your needs and best serve you.
Let them know if you have any insecurities. Or if there are any trends (no matter how seemingly ridiculous) that you're just dying to try. Be honest about your lifestyle and your needs. With all the facts on the table, you'll receive the best suggestions.
2. Have A Budget In Mind
In line with honesty, be truthful with yourself about your budget. While personal styling can be completely affordable and accessible, it's important to know your limitations and set expectations. If you're on a limited budget, then perhaps right now isn't the right time to do a complete wardrobe overhaul. You should still consult a stylist, but if they know you're on a budget then they can make more impactful suggestions, like a standout blazer that will go with everything.
3. Work With Someone You're Comfortable With
We like to tell people that personal styling at KESTAN is like hanging out with your BFF, and we mean it! You should not be intimidated by your stylist, and your stylist should be someone whose opinion you respect. When you build a good rapport with your stylist, you can trust them to make informed decisions that will help you shine. Likewise, if your stylist can trust you, then they're more likely to give honest feedback and offer some out-of-the-box suggestions that might end up surprising you in the best way!
All in all, personal styling is something that should both be enjoyable and beneficial to you. It's an affordable and fun service that can truly help reimagine how you dress and deliver newfound confidence.