Working from home sounds pretty good until you realize that you're not actually getting any work done. As a brand that started from home, you can say that we have our fair share of experience when it comes to mastering WFH. Whether your job allows for flexible Fridays, or you're an entrepreneur with flexibility, here are our top 5 tips for getting the job done from the comfort of home.

It can be hard to separate work from fun when your "office" includes sitting on the couch while Netflix streams The Office on a loop. Find a space at home that you can fully dedicate to work, preferably somewhere free from distractions (I see you, pile of dirty dishes I just have to wash immediately). Plus, doing so creates clear boundaries as for when it's time to work, and when it's time to simply be at home.

These are trying and new times for everyone - coworkers, management, and yourself included. Save yourself from frustration and remain empathetic as we all navigate new methods of interpersonal relations. It can be hard to read tone over text, and management may slip up as they figure out how to organize a new way of working. What's important is to remember that we're all in this together.

It can be easy to seclude yourself when you work from home. While avoiding overly chatty coworkers can increase productivity, losing touch with your team can have a negative impact on your workflow. Make sure to schedule regular check-ins, monitor your company's form of communication regularly (i.e. Slack, e-mail, etc.), and make sure to reply in a timely manner.
Go a step further and schedule some work time with a buddy. It can be good to reestablish a human connection, and increase productivity when there's accountability.

We've all heard the tip to fully dress for work, even when office hours is at home. While we're big advocates for this tip, we're also realists. We recommend going through your morning routine to signal that it's time to get up and face the day. But while it's important to put on "outside clothes", that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice comfort. Switch your blazer for a smart cardigan, or swap out your LBD for a dress with a more relaxed fit. Check out our suggestions here.

We've all been there - you wake up a little later, get a little distracted, and next thing you know you're cramming as much work as possible at 8pm while you try and catch a deadline. Set a schedule, and stick to it. Take your lunches at a normal hour, and while you're at it, take this opportunity to prepare fresh and healthy meals you wouldn't have time for otherwise.