The Womenswear Factory

Location: Guangdong, China

We view production as more than just finding a factory to make our garments. Instead, we seek partnerships with talented individuals who bring our collections to life. When the time came to expand our production, our co-founders traveled up and down China to perform personal audits before finding our current gem in Guangdong. Our womenswear factory may be smaller than their neighbors, but where they lack in size, they make up for in spirit, talent, and responsibility.

Founded by Cissy and Leo in 2011, this young married couple started their business as a modest studio hand-making samples for their clients. Soon, their quality workmanship and reputation allowed them to expand into a small factory. 

Cissy and Leo have always had a love for fashion, and loved the idea of producing beautiful pieces that could be shared all around the world. They work together with Mr. Zou - a pattern maker with a keen eye for detail and 15 years of pattern making experience. Mr. Deng is their master of sewing, and has spent 20 years of his life taking two-dimensional visions into the three-dimensional world. Combined with Cissy and Leo's youthful and forward thinking vision, our team creates the perfect bridge between master craftmanship and contemporary design.


When the team isn't working with Kestan on our latest collection or in the office, they can be found spending time together outside work as well. They truly believe they are one big family and enjoy the time they have with each other. Every so often they take trips as a group - sometimes to hike a mountain, play games, go fishing, or barbecue by the pool. Cissy and Leo will also routinely surprise their employees to brighten their busy schedules. That comes in the form of birthday parties, treats for the holidays, and other acts of care. Most importantly, they know all of their employees personally and make sure that their working needs are met through clean working environments and fair wages so they can take care of themselves and their families. 

Just as Cissy and Leo believe that it was destiny for them to meet, fall in love, and pursue a business together, we at Kestan believe it was destiny to join forces with this upbeat and passionate group. Whether we're catching up in person over dinner, or sharing photos over text messages, we truly feel like an American counterpart to this Chinese family.